St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

Religious Education (RE)

RE fulfils the requirements of the Religious Education Curriculum Directory as published by the Bishops of England and Wales. The RE curriculum at St John Bosco follows the Diocesan approved scheme People of God, and doctrine is taught in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The school aims for the Christian growth of its children in their own faith and in their awareness of the world around them.

Respect for other faiths and cultures is part of our mission and the teaching of other cultures and religions is an important part of our programme within the context of the requirements of the Curriculum Directory. Pupils will be taught about the integrity of other faiths and not as comparative religion. Pupils will learn about the beliefs, expression and celebration, living and belonging, of the principal religions in Great Britain.

We celebrate a weekly school Mass which is prepared and led by pupils in each class. We have daily prayers throughout the school day and on Mondays, we begin the week with a Headteacher Gospel Assembly, which allows pupils to listen to the Gospel, reflect and take forward a message for the week ahead. Liturgy assemblies are central to our worship and our pupils and Liturgy Leaders take an active role in leading and preparing liturgies and prayer opportunities.

The school is in a fortunate position where we work closely with two parishes – Holy Cross, Stone Cross, West Bromwich and St Michael and the Holy Angels, central West Bromwich. By working closely with each parish, our aim is to develop the spiritual life of pupils and their families. A monthly Parish/School Mass is held in the parish where all families are encouraged to attend and participate alongside their child/children.

Faith is one of the fundamental pillars of the St John Bosco’s community. Everybody who attends St John Bosco is a member of our faith community and is therefore fully included in our Catholic Life, Religious Education and faith development. 

As part of our faith journey, we also learn about lots of the other important cultures and faiths which make up our school, community and society. Therefore, we hold regular multi-cultural trips and multi-faith events and assemblies where we explore in detail the aspects of faith and culture which help shape our world and our school community.

Also see our RE Long Term Plan on our Curriculum page.