Food Parcels
Thanks to generous financial contributions from staff and governors as well as very kind donations of food from St Vincent de Paul charity, the Albion Foundation and Tesco, we are able to offer weekly food parcels to any family that require them.
These are quite substantial parcels that are available each week consisting of items to make meals that will help feed the whole family for the week.
This offer is not means tested. We particularly want to support families whose financial position has changed due to the pandemic. If your family need a food parcel, then please email Mrs Grubham who will organise one being available for you each week
Our school food bank
Example food parcels. Each box and the food underneath is per family.
We have been given a number of laptops by the DFE plus school have invested heavily in purchasing tablets for families. We have ensured that every family has had at least one device in their household since November to help with both remote learning and online homework.
In total, we have provided 38 devices for families which means 24% of our families have received one.
If you need a device to support home learning, then please contact Mrs Grubham who will do her best to help you.
Free School Meals
We have a large number of children who are entitled to free school meals. In the case of your child having to self-isolate, we will endeavour to deliver a food parcel to your house on a weekly basis. This also applies if we have a bubble closure. Alternatively, we can deliver a daily hot meal to your house at lunchtime for your child.
In the case of a full school closure or national lockdown, we are able to offer daily hot or cold meals to be collected each day for your child. We can also offer weekly food parcels – again, these will need to be collected from school due to the high number of children involved making delivery to the sheer number of people very difficult.
The other option that we can provide is a supermarket voucher through the national government scheme. These vouchers can automatically be emailed to the parent of each Free School Meal child on a weekly basis and can be used in a variety of supermarkets.