Guides and Documents
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams 365 is an online classroom hub used across school to support children and parents with remote learning. This useful learning platform allows teachers to set work and have live lessons with children in their class, or to have one-to-one ‘hot-listing’ sessions where necessary. Teachers have provided log-in details for all children in their classes. If any parents do not have these details or require support with Teams, please contact your child’s class teacher via email and we will do our best to further assist you.
Below is a simple guide of how to access meetings and live lessons from home:
Also see Microsoft Support web page for further guidance for parents.
Subjects and Areas of Provision
The documents below provide further information about our remote learning provision in the subjects and specific areas of provision as listed, including additional guidance, web links, resources and examples of work.
Areas of Provision
- Computing
- Humanities
- Literacy
- Maths
- Music
- Phonics (Read Write Inc)
- Physical Education (PE)
- Religious Education (RE)
- Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Well-being
- Science