Physical Wellbeing
We place a high emphasis on physical wellbeing at Bosco, with numerous opportunities for all children to be active throughout each day. There is a range of equipment available to use at play times and lunch times, with emphasis placed on practicing for our Virtual School Games sports events, which alter every few weeks. These include skipping, running and speed bounce, and all children then get to represent the school during their PE lessons, showcasing what they can do.
Sports Leaders have the job of supporting staff to encourage physical activity and providing equipment to engage as many people as possible.
We offer a number of extra-curricular sports clubs, with something available to every year group. This is an important part of both physical and mental wellbeing.
Finally, PE lessons and rotation activities enable children to become more physically literate and enjoy various aspects of PE. This includes team-building games such as blindfold and parachute activities, orienteering around our school site, and numerous other sports and skill-based games. The aim is to ensure that children enjoy physical activities so that they choose to do them in their own free time, and by looking round the playground, it’s clear that this is working well.
We love being active as part of our physical wellbeing.
We have a range of equipment available to use at play times and lunch times.
We have the opportunity to work together in our team-building games and activities.
Wellbeing Garden
The wellbeing garden was a project started by the Class 6 bubble, who attended school during lockdown. These children were amazed at how well nature was doing during lockdown without human interference and therefore felt that we should do more to support and protect our environment.
Since then, the garden area has been tidied and transformed to encourage as much nature and wildlife as possible. Numerous flowers and vegetables are growing, as well as several fruit trees; we have specific areas to feed the birds and encourage butterflies, in addition to a bug hotel; and we have a team of Eco-Leaders who maintain the garden on a daily basis taking great pride in its appearance. Our team also ensures that we compost and recycle properly throughout the school.
Our garden now comes complete with a wellbeing hut to have some quiet time observing nature, and we’ve already harvested our vegetables several times, benefiting our own school kitchen as well as numerous families who have enjoyed eating them at home. Long may this continue!