School Meals
Our school dinner menu rotates on a three week basis, and can be read below:
- Dinner Menu – January to April 2025
At St. John Bosco, we work with CMC to supply our pupils’ school meals that are not only cooked from scratch using fresh, healthy, nutritious ingredients but are also good value for money.
Being part of a healthy school, we aim to ensure that pupils are served a balanced, healthy meal everyday so we provide a wide variety of food choices including a meat dish, fish dish and vegetarian options for our non-meat eaters. Our staff are highly aware of food allergies so we can guarantee that all of our children are catered for.
At lunch times, we also have a selection of different salads available for pupils to help themselves to, from our salad bar which is available every day.
To make our dinners exciting, we regularly offer theme days to give children our children an opportunity to try new foods. In 2019/20, we had World Book Day, Chinese New Year, St David’s Day and St Patrick’s Day to name just a few. Going forward, we will continue to do the same.
Packed Lunches
If children prefer a cold meal, they are more than welcome to bring a packed lunch but we encourage healthy choices.
Packed lunches need to include:
- Something substantially high in carbohydrate (such as sandwich, pasta, rice etc)
- A piece of fruit or vegetable
- Healthy snack
- A drink (water or fruit juice)
School Meal Prices
School meals are FREE for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This is known as Universal Infant Free School Meals.
Key Stage 2 children (unless in receipt of free school meals as below) pay £2.60 for a school meal.
Dinner money needs to be paid each week on Monday and can be paid anytime throughout the day for the whole week. School meals should be paid for using ParentPay.
Free School Meals
If you are a parent or carer, and receive any of the benefits below, then your child is eligible for Free School Meals:
- Income Support
- Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross household income of no more than £16,190)
- The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
- Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Working Tax Credit run on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
If your application for Free School Meals is successful, our school will also receive extra funding from the Government to use in support of teaching and learning (see Pupil Premium).
How to Apply
Either visit the Sandwell Free School Meals website or pop into our school office for an application form.