St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Bosco and Chad’s Kwik Cricket

Bosco and Chad’s Kwik Cricket

Another fantastic day with our amazing fellow MAC school: St Chad’s. Our Year 3 children warmly welcomed the Year 3 children from St Chad’s and engaged in an incredible afternoon of cricket. All of the children were so excited to make new friends and had so much fun...
National Fitness Day

National Fitness Day

A day full of exercise, fun and learning – it’s National Fitness Day! Today, all of the children engaged so much with exercise and rose the awareness of the importance of keeping fit. The morning began with Miss Tariq leading an exercise routine on the KS2...
TAG Rugby Festival

TAG Rugby Festival

A big well done to all the children who took part in the fixture today. They all showed great determination, respect, teamwork and sportsmanship. It was lovely to see their confidence grow with each game. A few children receive a special reward for their kindness...
Bosco and Chads Football

Bosco and Chads Football

Thank you to St Chad’s Catholic Primary School, Dudley for providing us with such a warm welcome and a big thank you to Mrs Grubham for organising this fantastic day! We cannot wait for more days to come together and make amazing memories!...
Nursery Sports Day

Nursery Sports Day

A day filled with fun, exercise and laughter – nursery’s sports day was, as always, an incredible day! The children took part in a variety of races including the sprint, egg and spoon race and the bean bag race. The parent turn out was terrific and was a true...
Year 6 Athletics

Year 6 Athletics

A group of children from Year 6 went to Pheonix Collegiate to compete in athletics! They were a part of so many competitive races: 100m and 200m sprints, 400m run, the relay. The children done such a fantastic job and were amazing ambassadors for our...
Tag Rugby

Tag Rugby

A group of Year 6 children from St Chad’s joined our Year 6 class today and played 5 matches of tag rugby against each other. All children from both schools impressed us with their great teamwork, determination and sportsmanship.
West Brom vs Huddersfield

West Brom vs Huddersfield

As a reward for excellent attendance and behaviour, some of our children and their families were given complimentary WBA tickets for their match against Huddersfield. A big thank you to Alex at WBA for sorting the tickets. The children had a brilliant time and for...