St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Year 4 Mass

Year 4 Mass

A massive well done to Year 4 for leading such a peaceful and holy mass this week! You all read so beautifully and should be proud! As always, a big thank you to Father Josephat for leading today’s mass, thank you to the Year 4 team for preparing the children and to...
Gospel Assembly

Gospel Assembly

Today’s Gospel assembly taught us all about forgiveness and just how important it is. We understand that sometimes forgiving people is hard, but when we forgive others, we are setting ourselves free to love like Jesus. “If you forgive others their transgressions, your...
Y5 Mass

Y5 Mass

Well done to all of the Year 5 children for leading mass this week! Your reading was fantastic! Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend!
Welcome Assembly

Welcome Assembly

Children attended a welcome back assembly and presented symbols through prayer to reflect on their journey through the new school year. The Bible represents listening to the Word of the Lord. The crucifix represents the prayer life of school. The book represents a...
NHS birthday celebration

NHS birthday celebration

5 July 2023, marks 75 years of the National Health Service (NHS). Treating over a million people a day in England, the NHS touches all of our lives. We are truly blessed to have these miraculous, compassionate people among us. Thank you NHS Professionals Dear Christ,...
Feast of the Sacred Heart

Feast of the Sacred Heart

The children have enjoyed a prayerful and reflective day at school as we have celebrated Jesus’ Sacred Heart. We have all  been inspired by prayer, gospel readings and beautiful artwork to create some special, meaningful prayers of our own. The children have...