St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Y1 Mass

Y1 Mass

Y1 did a fantastic job of leading Mass today. The readers all received a special certificate to celebrate how well they read. A big thank you to all the parents who attended the service today.
Mini Vinnies – St Francis De Sales

Mini Vinnies – St Francis De Sales

Today, the Mini Vinnies held a special liturgy about St Francis De Sales. They opened with the prayer of St Francis De Sales and shown a video depicting his life and achievements. We all now understand how much of an inspiration he was to our school saint, St John...
Resus Rangers – First Aid Workshops

Resus Rangers – First Aid Workshops

All classes took part in a first aid workshop where they gained a lot of knowledge about how to deliver first aid safely. Each workshop consisted of different activities such as: giving CPR, putting someone in a recovery position, putting bandages on, practicing...
World Religion Day Assembly

World Religion Day Assembly

In our Liturgy today, we celebrated different religions worldwide. The children enjoyed learning about different religions and are keen to find out more. We discussed the importance of respecting each other’s religions and beliefs. The children left the assembly...
Class Saint Assembly

Class Saint Assembly

Today in Faith Filled Friday, we had the opportunity to learn more about our chosen class saint. Children were given the task earlier in the year to research a saint and one was chosen from the work produced. We researched our saint, learning lots of new facts about...
Panto- Aladdin

Panto- Aladdin

The children loved the panto Aladdin. They had a great time joining in and helping the actors.  The kids came out buzzing and a fantastic experience was had by all.