St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Multi Sports Club

Multi Sports Club

The children enjoy playing various sports after school with Mrs Grubham and Mr Welsh. Today, they had a blast playing a game invented by them which was a combination of basketball and netball. It was lovely to see the children work together, stay active, have fun and...
Brushstrokes toy appeal

Brushstrokes toy appeal

As a school, we always seek for different ways to support those in need, particularly during such a demanding time of year. Our ambition was to gather as many toys as we could to donate to those families who may find the holidays tough. Together, we raised enough toys...
Our Faith-Filled Friday penalty shootout!

Our Faith-Filled Friday penalty shootout!

It’s coming home!! As part of our World Cup celebrations, every class took part in a penalty shootout with Mrs Grubham! The children entered the hall listening to various World Cup music and were challenged to see if they could score more than Mrs Grubham could...
Armistice Day

Armistice Day

At 11am on Friday 11th November, we remembered all of those who have lost their lives fighting for their country. We welcomed Lesley Jenkins who is the principal cornet player for West Midlands Police Brass Band in to school and she played The last Post and Reveille....
Art Club: Firework Art

Art Club: Firework Art

Today was the first day of our Art Club! Following the Bonfire Night celebrations at the weekend, our budding artists made paintings inspired by the fireworks some of them went to see. First, we discussed the history of Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes, to deepen our...
Afro-Caribbean Dance Workshop

Afro-Caribbean Dance Workshop

The children enjoyed the high-energy workshop focusing on traditional movements. All children did a fantastic job of remembering the dance steps. At the end of the session, the children were split into two groups and had a dance-off – which they loved!
Olympic Athlete visits Bosco

Olympic Athlete visits Bosco

A big thank you to the two Team GB athletes, Amy Smith and Emily Lewis, who came into school to enthuse our children. They led a fantastic fitness circuit session with each year group, encouraging pupils of all sporting abilities to challenge themselves and to keep...
Y3 & 4 DECCA Assembly

Y3 & 4 DECCA Assembly

During an assembly led by DECCA, classes 3 and 4 learnt about the side effects and dangers of taking tobacco. They enjoyed taking part in the true or false quiz.