17 March 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
Y3 visited Holy Cross Catholic Church on Tuesday and they learnt all about Catholicism. We began the trip by learning a bit more about what it means to be Catholic. We learnt about the structure of Mass and the importance behind the readings and prayers. Father...
14 March 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
As part of our learning during this Multicultural term, Year 1 have been given The Church of England to explore. Today children had the opportunity to visit St James’ Church and learn more about the religion. Children carried out a treasure hunt inside the church,...
12 March 2023 | School Events, Sporting Events |
As a reward for excellent attendance and behaviour, some of our children and their families were given complimentary WBA tickets for their match against Huddersfield. A big thank you to Alex at WBA for sorting the tickets. The children had a brilliant time and for...
9 March 2023 | School Events, Sporting Events |
Over the course of the week, parents have had the opportunity to attend their child’s PE lesson. Children across the school were very excited to welcome in their parents and loved being able to show off the skills they have learnt : throwing and catching, hitting...
9 March 2023 | Our Faith, School Events |
We are all so proud of our wonderful families; the prayer activities, that the children have led at home, have been truly heart-warming to see! Thank you to all the families that have been involved with the first week of using our lovely prayer bags. Once again, the...
6 March 2023 | School Events, Sporting Events |
A big well done to the Year 3 and 4’s who took part in the football fixture today. All children showed brilliant teamwork and great sportsmanship. Their behaviour during the event was impeccable. We are proud of how well they all played.
2 March 2023 | School Events |
Today we celebrated World Book Day! The costumes and hairstyles were brilliant! As well as celebrating books and our love of reading, St. John Bosco also took this opportunity to highlight the importance of equality, culture and diversity. Through sharing some really...
2 March 2023 | Our Faith, School Events |
Today, Year 4 led our first mass back as a school family. Well done to all of those children who were involved in the service and thank you to Miss Tariq and Mrs Cresswell for helping to prepare them. As always, thank you to Father Josephat for celebrating with us and...
2 March 2023 | Our Faith, School Events |
As we begin our journey through Lent, we are asked to bring about change in our lives and to seek repentance. We achieve this by paying close attention to three special areas of our catholic lives: prayer, giving alms and fasting. At Saint John Bosco, we are following...
2 March 2023 | School Events |
A big well done to the KS1 children who attended the football event. They all played brilliantly and worked well as a team when playing against St Chad’s. It was lovely to see how determined they were to keep going. They all had a fantastic experiences and can’t wait...