St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Resus Rangers – First Aid Workshops

Resus Rangers – First Aid Workshops

All classes took part in a first aid workshop where they gained a lot of knowledge about how to deliver first aid safely. Each workshop consisted of different activities such as: giving CPR, putting someone in a recovery position, putting bandages on, practicing...
World Religion Day Assembly

World Religion Day Assembly

In our Liturgy today, we celebrated different religions worldwide. The children enjoyed learning about different religions and are keen to find out more. We discussed the importance of respecting each other’s religions and beliefs. The children left the assembly...
Class Saint Assembly

Class Saint Assembly

Today in Faith Filled Friday, we had the opportunity to learn more about our chosen class saint. Children were given the task earlier in the year to research a saint and one was chosen from the work produced. We researched our saint, learning lots of new facts about...
Panto- Aladdin

Panto- Aladdin

The children loved the panto Aladdin. They had a great time joining in and helping the actors.  The kids came out buzzing and a fantastic experience was had by all.
End of Term Congrats

End of Term Congrats

What a fantastic way to end the year! We all gathered together to celebrate the hard-work of the children in our school this year. To begin the assembly, we went through the achievements we are proud of as a school this term. The Pupil of the Term award was presented...
Christmas Disco!!

Christmas Disco!!

It’s that highly evening: the Christmas disco! The children danced their socks off to lots of classics and Christmas songs. Each child had refreshments and created unforgettable memories with their friends!
Santa Breakfast

Santa Breakfast

This morning, our children were treated to a delicious breakfast at school and a visit from someone very special – the one and only Father Christmas. The children spent the morning listening to Christmas tunes, spending quality time with their friends and paying...
Carol Service at Holy Cross Church

Carol Service at Holy Cross Church

It was wonderful to see so many families at the church today for our carol service: it was a lovely way to welcome in the Christmas season with family and friends. All children who attended sang beautifully and shared some important prayers which reminded us of the...
Healthy Eating Workshop

Healthy Eating Workshop

The children enjoyed learning about the different food groups and the importance of having a balanced diet. They discussed ways they could stay fit and received tips on how to stay healthy. In class, they completed a range of activities to showcase what they learnt...
KS2 Carol Concert

KS2 Carol Concert

Today, our KS2 children did a fantastic job with their carol concert in school. A special well done to the soloists, ukulele players, readers and actors. It was lovely to see so many parents attend.