St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Y5 Mosque Visit

Y5 Mosque Visit

As part of our learning during this Multicultural term, Year 5 have been given Islam to learn about. The children had the opportunity to visit The Islamic Experience Exhibition and learn more about the religion. The children learnt about the history of the religion...
Earth Hour

Earth Hour

All children at SJB joined in with supporting Earth Hour 2023, which is a special global event to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet. Children turned off electrical equipment, iPads, whiteboards, laptops and lights for one lesson to support...
Tag Rugby

Tag Rugby

A group of Year 6 children from St Chad’s joined our Year 6 class today and played 5 matches of tag rugby against each other. All children from both schools impressed us with their great teamwork, determination and sportsmanship.
Music Parent Workshops

Music Parent Workshops

It was lovely to see so many parents join their child’s music lesson. The children loved every second and were keen to show off their musical talents. Many parents showed off their musical skills too; we had some rappers, hip hop movers, drummers, percussion players...
Nelson Mandela Assembly

Nelson Mandela Assembly

Class 4 we have been researching the life of Nelson Mandela and the important role he has played in making changes in the world for good. During their assembly, they shared some key facts with the rest of the school. They reinforced that Nelson Mandela will always be...
World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day

To celebrate the day, the children and staff came into school wearing odd socks.  We took this day as an opportunity to educate and raise awareness about Down syndrome. Our aim was to increase awareness and show support for individuals living with this genetic...
Mother’s Day Breakfast

Mother’s Day Breakfast

The school hall was buzzing with excitement as the children were joined by their Mums, for our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast. Each child received a daffodil to give to their mum. Everyone enjoyed a delicious breakfast. It was a happy start to the day and the children...
St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

The day began with a whole school assembly where a brief background on St. Patrick’s Day was given. We were lucky to watch one of our Y5 pupils perform a traditional Irish dance – she did a fantastic job of dancing to the rhythm of the song. All children had the...