St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Dogs Trust Workshop

Dogs Trust Workshop

The children were given training on how to: behave around dogs, look after dogs and model positive behaviours around dogs.  They all shared their experiences about being around dogs. By the end of the workshop, all children became Dog Trust Ambassadors.
Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

All children celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week by taking part in various well-being activities. Children have been learning that we all have mental health and it is just as important as physical health. Concerns can range from the worries that we all experience...
Bambi Workshop

Bambi Workshop

A team of artists – including Ian Billings – visited our school today to do some creative writing based on the novel Bambi. The day was filled with puppetry, music and imagination. Thank you so much to all the artists and to Ian Billings for finding the...
NSPCC Number Day!

NSPCC Number Day!

Today, our school raised the profile of the NSPCC and maths during the NSPCC Number Day! Each class celebrated their maths learning and took part in a variety of maths activities. Thank you so much for all those who donated to this incredible charity!


Y2 did a fantastic job of leading our Candlemass today. The children celebrated the special occasion by lighting their candles to mark the return of light, a symbol of protection and prosperity.
Chinese New Year Showcase Assembly

Chinese New Year Showcase Assembly

The children had a great time learning about the traditions and celebrations during Chinese New Year. Each class spent an afternoon focusing on a different element of Chinese New Year and showcased what they learnt and produced to the rest of the school. It was...
Y1 Mass

Y1 Mass

Y1 did a fantastic job of leading Mass today. The readers all received a special certificate to celebrate how well they read. A big thank you to all the parents who attended the service today.
Mini Vinnies – St Francis De Sales

Mini Vinnies – St Francis De Sales

Today, the Mini Vinnies held a special liturgy about St Francis De Sales. They opened with the prayer of St Francis De Sales and shown a video depicting his life and achievements. We all now understand how much of an inspiration he was to our school saint, St John...