11 July 2023 | Class Events, School Events, Sporting Events |
Today, our Year 6’s gathered together to have a kick-about against fellow MAC school St Chad’s. All of the children were able to experience the thrill of playing in a high school sports hall and on an actual AstroTurf football pitch! The children displayed true...
11 July 2023 | Class Events, Sporting Events |
A day filled with fun, exercise and laughter – nursery’s sports day was, as always, an incredible day! The children took part in a variety of races including the sprint, egg and spoon race and the bean bag race. The parent turn out was terrific and was a true...
9 July 2023 | Class Events |
Reception had such a fun day learning about animals at Atwell Farm. They were introduced to a variety of animals and spent some time racing trikes and jumping on a bouncy castle.
9 July 2023 | Class Events |
Year 3 had a fascinating day learning about animals at the Safari Park. They went to see the sea lion show and went around the dinosaur area to learn about prehistoric creatures.
6 July 2023 | Class Events |
Year 5 had an amazing visit to Conkers. We had beautiful weather and enjoyed various different, exciting activities – literally, from bushcraft to even having a trip on a train! The children were fantastic ambassadors to our school and were terrifically well...
15 June 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith |
Today, Year 3 had a party to celebrate those who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. A big well done! We are proud of you! A big thank you to all of those children who supported their friends in making this big step in their spiritual journey. Another thank you...
5 May 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
We had some special visitors today for another amazing Faith-Filled Friday! NHS staff came into school to talk about their careers and host a variety of activities which allowed the children to use some medical devices. The children learnt so much about vocations in...
4 May 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
Our school gathered together at lunchtime to celebrate King Charles’ Coronation. Deb and Leanne prepared a delicious picnic for the whole school to enjoy outside in the beautiful weather. Once again, a big thank you to Deb and Leanne for their amazing cooking! It was...
4 May 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
Parents were invited into school to take part in a child led liturgy. The children were so incredibly amazing at bringing us all together to thank God and create a peaceful environment. Thank you to all of the parents who found some time to attend their child’s...
31 March 2023 | Class Events, School Events |
As part of our learning during this Multicultural term, Year 5 have been given Islam to learn about. The children had the opportunity to visit The Islamic Experience Exhibition and learn more about the religion. The children learnt about the history of the religion...