25 March 2023 | Class Events, School Events |
Today, each class spent some time learning about Ramadan and how it is celebrated. Each class learnt about different areas of Ramadan and showcased this knowledge to the rest of the school. Our amazing, fun activities included designing traditional dresses to Eid,...
21 March 2023 | Class Events, School Events |
It was lovely to see so many parents join their child’s music lesson. The children loved every second and were keen to show off their musical talents. Many parents showed off their musical skills too; we had some rappers, hip hop movers, drummers, percussion players...
21 March 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
Class 4 we have been researching the life of Nelson Mandela and the important role he has played in making changes in the world for good. During their assembly, they shared some key facts with the rest of the school. They reinforced that Nelson Mandela will always be...
17 March 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
Y3 visited Holy Cross Catholic Church on Tuesday and they learnt all about Catholicism. We began the trip by learning a bit more about what it means to be Catholic. We learnt about the structure of Mass and the importance behind the readings and prayers. Father...
17 March 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith |
A massive Well Done to the children from Y3 who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation today. They have practised very hard over the past few weeks examining their conscience to acknowledge their sins and preparing to confess their sins to Father Josephat. They have...
15 March 2023 | Class Events |
We have been learning about Sikhism for our multi-cultural week faith. We went on a coach to visit Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Smethwick. When we entered the Gurdwara we needed to take off our shoes, wash our hands and cover our heads as a sign of respect. We listened to...
14 March 2023 | Class Events, Our Faith, School Events |
As part of our learning during this Multicultural term, Year 1 have been given The Church of England to explore. Today children had the opportunity to visit St James’ Church and learn more about the religion. Children carried out a treasure hunt inside the church,...
9 February 2023 | Class Events |
After an amazing day, Year 6 are spending the evening around a campfire playing lots of fun games!
9 February 2023 | Class Events |
The children have once again done so much: they have experienced fencing, the challenge course and more nightline!
9 February 2023 | Class Events |
The children have done so much this morning: the trek course, low ropes, nightline. What a fantastic morning!