St John Bosco Catholic Primary School
Music Parent Workshops

Music Parent Workshops

It was lovely to see so many parents join their child’s music lesson. The children loved every second and were keen to show off their musical talents. Many parents showed off their musical skills too; we had some rappers, hip hop movers, drummers, percussion players...
Nelson Mandela Assembly

Nelson Mandela Assembly

Class 4 we have been researching the life of Nelson Mandela and the important role he has played in making changes in the world for good. During their assembly, they shared some key facts with the rest of the school. They reinforced that Nelson Mandela will always be...
Reception’s trip to Guru Nanak Gurdwara

Reception’s trip to Guru Nanak Gurdwara

We have been learning about Sikhism for our multi-cultural week faith. We went on a coach to visit Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Smethwick. When we entered the Gurdwara we needed to take off our shoes, wash our hands and cover our heads as a sign of respect. We listened to...