St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

Wow Moments: Our School Blog

There’s always lots of exciting things going on at our school. In this section, we would like to share some of our special moments with you.


St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day

The day began with a whole school assembly where a brief background on St. Patrick’s Day was given. We were lucky to watch one of our Y5 pupils perform a traditional Irish dance – she did a fantastic job of dancing to the rhythm of the song. All children had the...

Y3 Trip to Holy Cross Catholic Church

Y3 Trip to Holy Cross Catholic Church

Y3 visited Holy Cross Catholic Church on Tuesday and they learnt all about Catholicism. We began the trip by learning a bit more about what it means to be Catholic. We learnt about the structure of Mass and the importance behind the readings and prayers. Father...

Y3 receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Y3 receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation

A massive Well Done to the children from Y3 who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation today. They have practised very hard over the past few weeks examining their conscience to acknowledge their sins and preparing to confess their sins to Father Josephat. They have...

Reception’s trip to Guru Nanak Gurdwara

Reception’s trip to Guru Nanak Gurdwara

We have been learning about Sikhism for our multi-cultural week faith. We went on a coach to visit Guru Nanak Gurdwara in Smethwick. When we entered the Gurdwara we needed to take off our shoes, wash our hands and cover our heads as a sign of respect. We listened to...

Y1 trip to St James’ Church

Y1 trip to St James’ Church

As part of our learning during this Multicultural term, Year 1 have been given The Church of England to explore. Today children had the opportunity to visit St James’ Church and learn more about the religion. Children carried out a treasure hunt inside the church,...

West Brom vs Huddersfield

West Brom vs Huddersfield

As a reward for excellent attendance and behaviour, some of our children and their families were given complimentary WBA tickets for their match against Huddersfield. A big thank you to Alex at WBA for sorting the tickets. The children had a brilliant time and for...

Bosco Family Mass at Holy Cross Church

Bosco Family Mass at Holy Cross Church

Today, we celebrated mass as a school family at Holy Cross. A big well done to all of the children who read - you done such an amazing job and have done us all proud!    

PE Parent Workshops

PE Parent Workshops

Over the course of the week, parents have had the opportunity to attend their child’s PE lesson. Children across the school were very excited to welcome in their parents and loved being able to show off the skills they have learnt : throwing and catching, hitting...

Our Prayer Bags

Our Prayer Bags

We are all so proud of our wonderful families; the prayer activities, that the children have led at home, have been truly heart-warming to see! Thank you to all the families that have been involved with the first week of using our lovely prayer bags. Once again, the...

Football Fixture

Football Fixture

A big well done to the Year 3 and 4’s who took part in the football fixture today. All children showed brilliant teamwork and great sportsmanship. Their behaviour during the event was impeccable. We are proud of how well they all played.