St. John Bosco Catholic Primary School is a one-form entry school in West Bromwich, serving pupils from two parishes: Holy Cross and St Michael and the Holy Angels.
The school enjoys very strong relationships with parents, families and the local community as well as with the local parishes.
St. John Bosco is a small primary school with approximately 250 pupils and 25 staff. Nursery provision starts for children from the age of three and pupils stay with us until the end of year six. The school is built on a good sized site consisting of a large main building, three playgrounds, a grassed area and an extra outbuilding.
The school is rated by Ofsted as outstanding. St John Bosco also has English Hub status and is a Teaching School. Every year, applications for admissions massively outweigh the number of spaces available.
The focus of everything that we do in the school is to ensure that pupils at are happy, safe and learning. Our strong Catholic ethos is at the heart of everything that we do and underpins all learning. Exemplary behaviour to ensure an orderly, calm learning environment is a constant focus and the children are taught through the values of virtues of the Catholic Church.
A strong safeguarding team supports a rigorous framework for keeping children safe and an experienced learning mentor supports families across the school.
The curriculum is balanced to ensure a wide range of opportunities for all pupils as well as an appropriate focus on attainment in English and mathematics. We also offer our children a range of extra-curricular activities and trips to ensure we fully develop children as individual learners. Our children leave us in Year 6 as mature, responsible learners who are ready for the next step in the journey of faith.
You will find much more on all of these areas across the sections and pages of this website. We hope you enjoy finding out about our school as much as staff, parents, pupils and governors enjoy being part of the St. John Bosco family.
School Opening Hours
- Gates open from 8.30am and close at 8.45am.
- School finishes at 3.15pm.
- Breakfast Club opens at 7.30am.
- After School Club runs until 5.30pm.
St. John Bosco is open for 33.75 hours per week.