St John Bosco Catholic Primary School

Mrs Attwood led an exciting and informative Internet Safety Assembly for all of our children. With the rise of technology and the internet, it’s more important than ever for children to know how to stay safe online.

The assembly also included fun, interactive activities that helped students practice making safe choices online. The children were reminded of the importance of asking a trusted adult for help whenever something online feels uncomfortable or confusing.

Throughout the week, all classes have completed various activities covering key topics, such as creating strong passwords, recognizing safe websites, and understanding how to communicate kindly and respectfully on the internet. Our pupils learned the importance of keeping personal information private and how to recognise and report inappropriate or suspicious content.

Our goal is to empower students with the knowledge they need to navigate the online world safely and confidently. Let’s continue to work together to make sure our digital community is a safe and positive place for everyone!

Remember, stay safe, be kind, and always think before you click!