St John Bosco Catholic Primary School


We’d be delighted to hear what you think about our school and our website. Please use the form below to send us your comments.

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Polite Notice: This Guestbook is moderated. Comments are reviewed before they are published. Spam, profanities, inappropriate comments and links to other sites will not be accepted.

Previous Guestbook Comments

So after leaving this school just a few months after,  I am still thinking about those nostalgic times I had back in SJB. Thank you teachers, students, dinner ladies etc for this experience!

Rating: Excellent

Sebastian Comahig

15 Oct 2023

This is the best school I have ever been to! My old school was amazing too though but I love this school, I like the place the “We are outstanding….!” sign is too!

Rating: Excellent

Zuby Umeadi

07 Aug 2021

I love this school, it is the best, the teachers are absolutely amazing.

Rating: Excellent

Grace Clews

07 Sep 2019

This school is amazing I love it. If It wasn’t for the old year six I wouldn’t be so confident in year six. Thank you.

Rating: Excellent

Lucy Day

07 Sep 2019

I love St John Bosco! I have so many friends and memories but sadly I have to leave. If If it wasn’t for the teachers I wouldn’t be a strong, bright and positive person. Wish the best for the next year 6.

Rating: Excellent

Holly Badger

27 Aug 2019

I would like to thank the staff at St John Bosco , for letting us know that our children have arrived safely and are having a great time at the pioneer centre .We are missing you already Mia and we hope you and year 6 have a fabulous time. see you Friday.

Rating: Excellent

Sarah Hobbs

12 Feb 2019

I love this school! It’s absolutely amazing and the teachers are wonderful.

Rating: Excellent


01 Dec 2018

This school is one of the best schools in West Bromwich.I recommend you to go here if your trying to find a school. You will love it and the students are very friendly.

Rating: Excellent

Zayn Hussain

29 Nov 2018

This school is one of the most best schools I know. If you were to come to this school I definitely think you would love it. Also I hope the year 6’s are having an amazing time at the sleepover.

Rating: Excellent

Lesharna Preece

05 Oct 2018

I attended a football tournament with my school and met up with your Year 4 team twice. I need to write to say how their exceptional behaviour, sporting ability, attitude and pleasant demeanours are a credit to your school. I hope you can pass this on to both children and staff concerned. They were a pleasure to pass acquaintance with.

Rating: Excellent

Alison Snookes

07 Feb 2018

My name is Victoria. I and some other members of the school came to visit this school. In my opinion I think this school is amazing it is tidy and really welcoming. It has lots and lots of fun trips and events coming up and the club’s are amazing ideas. One of the things that I really liked is that they have a prayer hut in the garden so they can make outside masses! The teachers are really nice and really like how the school is organizational.

Rating: Excellent


29 Jan 2018

Been browsing through the website for about two years now, honestly miss being at the school so much. Good luck to everyone for the future!

Rating: Excellent

Savannah Harris

10 Dec 2017

I miss SJB so much. This website is so reliable and the school has given me memories. I hope that all of the students and staff are well.

Rating: Excellent

Eisha Sondhi

23 Nov 2017

I love this website because I can find all of the information and looking at the lovely pictures makes me smile.

Rating: Excellent

Zuzanna Kowalczyk

24 Oct 2017

Love the school and leaving was a hard thing. Wish this school all the best.

Rating: Excellent

Chloe Amegnisse

12 Sep 2017

I love this school the teachers are great and the students are great. I will be very sad to leave in 2 years.

Rating: Excellent

Phoebe Loveridge

13 May 2017

I would like to thank Mrs Grubham for all the blogs she is posting on here of year 6 at the pioneer centre. As parents we worry that our children are safe while away from school, our minds are put at rest knowing the children are having a great time while in safe hands. We appriate the texts and pics. Thank you.

Rating: Excellent

Mrs Debbie Green

09 Mar 2017

This website is very good because i can just look at whaat is happening and if i am not sure there are news there.

Rating: Excellent

Dominika Glowinska

15 Dec 2016

Fantastic school and fabulous teachers. I’m so glad both my girls attend this school and one day i’d like to work there myself.

Rating: Excellent

Paul Rogers

21 Jun 2016

Wow the school is briliant and staff. I’ll be sad when i leave in 2016 I will miss you the school is like my family.

Rating: Excellent

Julia Kwasna

11 Dec 2015

I was a pupil from 1969 to 1976 and would like to know of any records or photos that may have been recorded of my time at our school.

Rating: Excellent

Patrick Guinane

26 Nov 2015

Me and my husband would like to thank the Nursery team for being so amazing. They have taught my two children for the last 3 years and I have seen them embed some good skills for school life ahead of them! Mrs York and Ms Walker we thank you so much for doing such a splendid job with your students! It’s always nice to see your friendly face welcoming the children always! Keep up your hard work!

Rating: Excellent

Sukhy Hayer

08 Jul 2015

My husband and I would like to say thank you for inviting us to the recent grandparents day. We really enjoyed having the opportunity to sit with our grandson during his lessons, it was extremely enlightening. All of the children were a credit to the school. Many thanks to staff for the tea and lovely cakes and for making us so welcome.

Rating: Excellent

Diane York

29 Mar 2014

Thank you Miss Ellicott for helping the GCSE people get outstanding results.

Rating: Excellent

Loren Clinton

25 Jan 2014

To all the staff, parents and Governors but especially the children – thank you for an amazing 4 years! You have had a huge impact on my journey of faith and you will always hold a place in my heart! Remember to celebrate your God given talents, love one another as God loves us and keep on smiling! I have so many wonderful memories to carry with me on the next part of my journey, which I will treasure forever! Keep working hard to achieve your dreams and they will come true! Lots of love from Mrs Finnegan xxx

Rating: Excellent

Christine Finnegan

11 Jan 2014

Bye Mrs Finnegan we will miss you a lot you have made a tremendous impact on the school and to the ICT. We hope you will come back to visit us thank you for all your help.

Rating: Excellent

Danny Clews

18 Dec 2013

I have just been looking through the photos of all the Events and Special Occasions that Connor took part in during his final year at St. John Bosco. I admit I did become emotional because I am so proud of how far Connor has come and I am proud the school. The way the Staff have worked so hard to help and support Connor and I, especially the times he was absent due to his debilitating illness. I can honestly say as a Parent of a Child with Special Needs, the School is extremely inclusive and they make more of an effort to help and support Children with SENCO needs, as well as all the other Children in the School. Mrs. Finnegan is a true credit as a SENCO, Miss Ellicott is a true credit and asset to the School. She truly listens to the Children’s needs and she ensures that she helps Children in every way she can. The rest of the Staff who have taught and dealt with Connor during his time at St. John Bosco, all deserve Special Praise for the way they stuck by him and never gave up on him.

Rating: Excellent

Marisa Lally

22 Aug 2013

Wow! All the pictures with my old class brings loads of memories of how St John Bosco is the best!

Rating: Excellent

Zara Preece

02 Jun 2013

Greetings from Sweden! We had a fab time in Stockholm – amazing city! We are now in Estilsluna visiting our partnership school as part of our Comenius project! We look forward to sharing our work with you, on our return!

Rating: Excellent

Christine Finnegan

20 May 2013

This is website is very creative and excellent! Well Done to the I.C.T wizards and Mrs Finnegan for putting our school website together.

Rating: Excellent

Laura Powell

25 Apr 2013

Yet again SJB came up trumps. Whitemore lakes trip went down a storm and was enjoyed by all. The school should be very proud of Miss Ellicott, Mrs Hart and Mrs Carter.

Rating: Excellent

Claire Butler

22 Mar 2013

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Reception/Nursery Assembly last week all about ‘England’. The children did so well and that is thanks to the hard work of the staff. Well done.

Rating: Excellent

Nikki Smith

11 Mar 2013

Would like to say how much she enjoyed her lunch at grandparents afternoon. I had a lovely time with my grandson Kenzie in yr 1. A big thank you to the dinner ladies and staff.

Rating: Excellent

Jacquie Purcell

05 Dec 2012

Our school is great! i would never change anything about it! it’s just perfect!

Rating: Excellent

Oliwia Sledzikowska

05 Dec 2012

We both think this website is super to look at photo’s of extrodinary events which have gone on in and out of school each year.

Rating: Excellent

Leanne Maycock and Paul Grainger

15 Jul 2012

Our school is the best place to be! The staff are the best, and I will be sad to leave in July.

Rating: Excellent

Joseph Lowings

23 Jun 2012

I used to come to st john bosco! I miss the school and its sad looking at the photos. St John Bosco is amazing!

Rating: Excellent

Abdul Aziz

12 May 2012

I used to come to st john bosco! i was there from reception till’ year 6! I loved it. missing the school so much.

Rating: Excellent

Selina Mohith

12 May 2012

Missing you all so. I’ve looked on this website so many times since i’ve left just to get a look at all the staff and pupils again. I like seeing what you’ve all been up to since i’ve gone! Missing you all!

Rating: Excellent

Charlotte Powell

05 May 2012

I love the website because its easy to use and helpfull for mom to find out school dates for Jade.

Rating: Excellent

Bradley Wilkes

17 Apr 2012

Really enjoyed looking at the website today!! Keep up all your excellent work. We look forward to celebrating your 50th Anniversary later this year.

Rating: Excellent

Staff-Hill Top Library

21 Mar 2012

I am in year 3 and i love the the website. i keep on going on it again and again. this is the best website in the world.

Rating: Excellent

Sian James

08 Mar 2012

Hello everyone at St John Bosco! My name is Anja and I’m from Sweden. Right now I’m working with lovely Mrs Finnegan on the Comenius project. We hope to se you all when we come to England. We are so curious to visit your school!.

Rating: Excellent

Anja Holmstrom

03 Feb 2012

The website has been getting better and better as always. Well Done I.C.T Wizards. Especially Mrs Finnegan. Our school is getting better and better! The Smart Uniforms and the new school logo on our cardigans and jumpers! The Special Events keeps me updated for times we have spent in St. John Bosco! The Website is just Fabulous.

Rating: Excellent

Samantha Colcol

16 Dec 2011

I Miss St John Bosco hope there is a day where I can come and visit.

Rating: Excellent


08 Dec 2011

The school website is a brilliant place for me to keep up to date with dates for my diary and events happening at school. It keeps all parents well informed on all aspects of school life. Well done! mum Natalia klass.

Rating: Excellent


08 Dec 2011

It gives my mom a chance to have a look at pictures and events.

Rating: Excellent

Taylor Pedley

22 Nov 2011

Have had a lovely morning with teachers and the children learning all about RML. Love all the great sayings fan…tastic, tomatoe ketchup, clap and give yourself a pat on the back – a really fun way to learn really impressed. Mrs F. was as friendly and welcoming as always. The school has got a great group of staff.

Rating: Excellent

Sarah Golding

09 Nov 2011

This website is imformative, fun it is also spectacular so much better than the old one.All my family have been on they say they adore it. This is a school achievment.

Rating: Excellent

Jade Maycock

30 Oct 2011

I think that the school website has emproved very well. The school website is really helpful for new children in the school, and I think that the parents of the new pupils will learn more about the school.

Rating: Excellent

Breanne Preece

25 Oct 2011

Wow I have never seen your website before. It looks amazing! Henna is always going on about what a great website this is I gues she was right!

Rating: Excellent

Dipika Kaur

01 Oct 2011

I am loving the new school website. Thank you teatchers you rock.

Rating: Excellent

Henna Kaur

08 Sep 2011

Just left SJB today (which is the best). I think the school has improved massively because of the new website.

Rating: Excellent


20 Jul 2011

On the whos who staff place mr adams looks the funniest with his mop! The school websites amazing! well done ICT wizards and you Mrs Finnegan!

Rating: Excellent

Azra Hussain

17 Jul 2011

Wow! have not been to the school in 15 years some of the same teachers were still there. Mrs Richards aka Mrs Green, Mrs Hauton, Mrs Banister.

Rating: Excellent

Julia de Jong

24 Jun 2011

I think the new school website is brilliant!

Rating: Excellent

Nick Powell

10 Jun 2011

A very good website. Full of useful information for parents. Thanks for taking the time to introduce this.

Rating: Excellent

Nikki Smith

23 May 2011

I think the website has good potential and I love the pictures. I think it is good that last years pictures on the website. I can always come on this website and remind myself of the bike safety, Cinderella Rockerfella, Frank Chapman, Pioneer and lots more. I think this website is better than the last one. It can be improved by always upgrading it when new things are going on. Everything else it is a good website.

Rating: Excellent

Victoria Hackett

19 May 2011

Thanks for all the happy years from 1967-74… big thanks to Mrs Shembury, Mr Brown, Miss Birch and all the old dinner ladies for feeding me up happy days.

Rating: Excellent

Andrew Philip Beddoes

09 May 2011

Our comments for the website is that you have made the website very colourful very bright and make the viewers feel wellcome keep it up bosco we miss you.

Rating: Excellent

Amy Owen and Amber Pullen

19 May 2011

I think this website is great and is alot better than the old one. So good job all the Techno wizards and Mrs Finnegan.

Rating: Excellent

Megan H (Y6)

26 Apr 2011

Our school is a great one fantastic staff fantastic students and cook. visitors they help the teachers to look after the class.

Rating: Excellent

Aston Breakwell

26 Mar 2011

Wow! I just adore this website. It has everything a great website needs. Thank you to Mrs Finnegan and all the I.C.T wizards, you made a fantastic job.

Rating: Excellent

Addiee P. Y6

22 Mar 2011

Thank you for sharing Mrs. Finnegan with us for a week! We had a wonderful time sharing. She truly loves St. John Bosco. We hope one day to come and visit your school.

Rating: Excellent

Lenore Barnes

18 Mar 2011

We have Mrs. Finnegan here at St. Barnabas School in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Were learning great things about St. John Bosco, the wonderful staff and students. Thank you for letting us borrow her for a week! The website is great, and getting lots of new ideas!

Rating: Excellent

Shannon Fruth

15 Mar 2011

The school website is a brilliant place for me to keep upto date with dates for my diary and events happening at school. It keeps all parents well informed on all aspects of school life. Well done!

Rating: Excellent

Marie Powell

10 Mar 2011

I think the school website is amazing.

Rating: Excellent

Danielle Whitehouse

04 Mar 2011

This is a great website. Got everything a good website need.

Rating: Excellent


05 Feb 2011

This website is fantastic. it gives my mom and dad a chance to see pics of the special events we have when they cant make it to events such as easter bonnet parade/clubs/christmas shows, me and mom had a great time looking at the website. thank you.

Rating: Excellent

Abbie Humphries

15 Dec 2010

I LOVE this new site, great to see all the new photos and the tour of the school is FAB. The photos the kids did of the teachers was great. The new site is EASY to use and really fun to look at the photos with my sister Sian. Well Done.

Rating: Excellent

Lauren James

04 Dec 2010

This is the best website in the world. i love it.

Rating: Excellent


01 Dec 2010

Myself and Braydon have been having alook around the web site, Braydon found it awsome looking at the pictures, He told me who all the teachers are, I showed Braydon the picture of Saint John Bosco, and asked who he was, Braydon replied with confidence “Mr Masterson”, it Made me giggle so i thought i would share it with you all, Well done on the site its fantastic, cant wait to read and see more on here.

Rating: Excellent

Samantha Handley

30 Nov 2010

The website is excellent! The best is who is who school staff and special events pictures.

Rating: Excellent

Marta Kowalczyk

29 Nov 2010

It is a wonderful web site. I like the idea of painting of teachers by the students. It is very creative. Whoever visits this web site will learn to live and grow in God’s love really. Congratulations to the Head Teacher, the staff and the students.

Rating: Excellent

Fr. Charles Amirtharaj

25 Nov 2010

I think the website is excellent, much better than the old one.

Rating: Excellent

Cerys Harvey

25 Nov 2010

Our new school website is very informative. I love it!

Rating: Excellent

Angelee Miravalles Y4

20 Nov 2010

I think this website is great.

Rating: Excellent

Jamie Chappell

19 Nov 2010

I think the website is awesome! it has improved a lot! Better then last time!

Rating: Excellent

Hassan Hussain

19 Nov 2010

I really adore this site its amazing.

Rating: Excellent


18 Nov 2010

Our new school website is brilliant compared to the old one. Its amazing!

Rating: Excellent

Isabella York

18 Nov 2010

The school website is awsome. Love looking at it to see if I can spot any pictures of me!

Rating: Excellent

Ellie and Luke Whitehouse

18 Nov 2010

By going through the school web site you get to know where exactly, and what your child is taking part in. By displaying the photo’s of the children it also encourages them to take part in what ever activities are in the school.

Rating: Excellent

Mrs Maryanne Fernandes

17 Nov 2010

I love the new school website! The ICT wizards did a great job.

Rating: Excellent

Wiktoria Brodziak

16 Nov 2010

I love the new school website. Mrs Fineagen is the best ICT teacher ever and she has the best children for ICT. I and the other ICT wizards have done a brilliant job to make this website the best website ever. Its fantastic.

Rating: Excellent

Megan Winsper

16 Nov 2010

I like it especialy the staff faces and mosty mr mastersuns but its all good.

Rating: Excellent

Joshua Chumber

16 Nov 2010

I would like to thank you Mrs Finnegan and your techno wizards for creating this website. Me and my dad love this wonderful website. It is definetly better than my olds school website ! Well done to all of you.

Rating: Excellent

Victoria Loa Y5

16 Nov 2010

I think the website is amazing. Because i like it when it has all the star pupils. And writers.

Rating: Excellent

Lauren Davis

15 Nov 2010

This is a massive improvement on the previous website. Really loved the who’s who, blog and special events. Really impressed well done to all involved.

Rating: Excellent

Susan Harvey

15 Nov 2010

Well done to all the Techno Wizards and Miss Finnegan. It’s fantastic. Well done everyone.

Rating: Excellent

Cheryl Fernandes

15 Nov 2010

I loved seeing all the pictures of exciting things that happen in school, the tour of the school is fantastic. I also liked the who’s who pictures that the children have created very self like haha!

Rating: Excellent

Mrs Leanne James

15 Nov 2010

Wow! Congratulations to all the people involved in developing our new school website. It’s Fantastic! Well done everyone.

Rating: Excellent

Christine Finnegan

08 Nov 2010